During my life, I have sometimes been labelled "too much" - to my face or behind my back.
And for long periods of my life I've tried toning down. I haven't had much luck with it - I am who I am, and the tiger stripes have a way of shining through...
I've learned being good at making space for others, too. So I don't use all the oxygen in the room. It's really not that difficult, and it doesn't hurt.
On the other hand it's difficult to change that you are a person that is - if not TOO much, then at least - much.
I smiled when I read this post(Warning: it's in danish) on the subject at my old friend Johnnie's.
And then I thought:
Some people think it's really awful when somebody else is "too much".
But isn't it really a lot worse - being too little?
whatever you do don't dare to be less than much!
You are just about GREAT!
Minha docinha, don't you worry - I think I am too old to be improved, or changed... :-)
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