Saturday, March 15, 2008

The name of the house is Rosa

The big day finally arrived. It was getting-the-key-day - the red house on Fasanvej (meaning Pheasant St.) was finally to be ours!

We started the day with an early trip to Bauhaus - to buy some building material and paint. We packed a box of things useful to make coffee etc. in the house, and we dug out our painting gear and other stuff.

We got our new mailbox ready - put names on it and all.

And somehow the arms of the clock crept to twenty to 12, and we were bound for Fasanvej. I had a tummyache, all from the exitement - literally - and I managed to pass it on to the kids (and to Bruno - of course he wouldn't admit it!)

Just as soon as we had gotten the key, read off heat etc, and the former owner was gone, I started up with the camera! We wanted before-pictures - given some time the house will change, and it will be fun to see what it looked like when we got it.


Yeah - I know I cut off part of the roof, but there was a limit to how far I'd venture into the driveway of the house across the street to take the picture...
The windows will be replaced. Maybe this year - otherwise they'll get a layer of white paint. They are actually healthy enough, but the house would look so much better with the old style windows it was born with.


The name of the house is Rosa. And someone took the pains of depicting it on the house. Later on, someone slathered red paint all over it - a pity, but fortunately it is reversible.


An easy, small and cozy garden. That was an important factor in deciding for this house. The tree is said to give a good harvest of pears. And I can easily imagine myself sitting under it with a book on a warm summer day.


This our house from the back. The former owners changed one window - it leads to the kitchen, which has been replaced within the last 5 years.


This room means a lot to Bruno! This is where his shop will be - I can allready see him tinkering with his bikes down here - it is a nice, good sized room - and the picture gives an idea of how bright the cellar is.


When coming up from the cellar, you can enjoy the cute hobbit window in our hallway. It is right next to the front door - symmetrical with the name plaque.


Upstairs this door leads from the stairway into the hallway, that is on the upstairs floor. It is there because the house once was two apartments - it is actually an old outside-door. There used to be one downstairs just like it, but the former owner gave it away - pity, I really find it very pretty.

The first floor has three good rooms and a bathroom. The room facing the garden will be our master bedroom. It will be a step up from what we had, it is rather small.


The stairway doesn't stop here, on the first floor. A small stair leads up to the nicest attic - a good, easily accessible one with a stable floor all over. I couldnt take good pictures there - but the stairs were easy to photograph. :-)


The stairway is, as they are in houses from the 1920'es: absolutely charming and very solid. With a twisting railing and real landings - it will be lovely once we get to renovating it.


There is plenty to start with. Today we took the floor out of Bodils cellar room - there were four layers, on top of a floor that was bumpy because it wasn't finished. Sometime in the closer past, someone put a rough layer of concrete. The top layere was never put in, though - there was just put 4 layers of carpet on top, probably over time, without a damping shield underneath.

We are going to finish the floor - or rather, Bruno is - good thing I am married to a handyman!

Other than that Bruno got the living room and the kitchen ready to paint - and I cleaned the kitchen thoroughly (I just had a clear example of how NOT to leave the kitchen, when we move - yuck!).

Tomorrow we start out by painting the living room and the kitchen. We can barely wait to go back in there and start up again!


Bobbi Boe said...


I can see you fell in love, it needs work but has tons of potential and real old charm to boot!

I am very grateful for you posting the pictures as I have been way too curious, you know me and houses and it does look fab!

I wish you and Bruno , and of course everybody else, to be super happy in your new house!

I am excited for you!

mil beijinhos

PS: even sick we got religous last night, guess you got me inspired, it was FANTASTIC!

Lizelotte said...

I knew you'd like her :-)

I know your heart for houses, and I thought this would appeal to you.

Can't wait for you to come and see it for real!

Religious is good :-) Congratulations for being back in the game ;-)