Monday, May 7, 2007

On the brink

This morning there was a raindrenched freshness in the air, and as I biked past a row of lilacs the world was perfumed.

Right now I mostly smell dust. I have thrown away 117 old folders and notes, laughed at old company leaflets and manuscripts from scetches performed at company parties, that came out of my drawers, and I have bid my colleagues goodbye with fresh baked bread.

Now I only have left to unhook my pc, and soon our janitor will come and move all of my things.

Goodbye, well-liked and well-know colleagues, goodbye systems I know so well.

Hello, new and less-known colleagues, hello new tasks and systems I only know briefly.

I am ready.


Bobbi Boe said...

Have a great first day!
Have a great first week!
Have a great first month!
Have a GREAT life!

mil beijinhos

Lizelotte said...

I try - I try!!

And you make it better!!!

mil beijinhos back...