Sunday, February 18, 2007

What a lovely, busy day yesterday!

We started out at going to the market - we have a nice market in Fredericia, every wednesday and saturday morning fishmongers, cheeseshops, florists and greengrocers put up stands on a square in the middle of the town from early morning. Fewer, alas, than just a few years ago, but there are still lots of possibilities to buy fresh goods.

At the moment there are loads of flowers to look at - it is wonderful!


I couldn't resist the blue hortensias, and a large bundle of white tulips also found their way to my shopping bag.


The center of Fredericia displays many interesting architectural details, and I frequently discover some, that I haven't noticed before. Yesterday it was a couple of funny guys holding up the corner of a house, wearing only prudent leaves on top of their private parts ... they didn't seem to mind me taking pictures of them, though.


Actually they completely ignored me, so we moved on to the next stage of our shopping trip. That was the bicycle store. Kristian needs new tires for his bike - very much, as he keeps getting flats - and while Bruno chose the perfect ones, I looked around in the very mixed selection of our bikeshop.

There were spring-coloured bicycles...


Bikes for the lazy...


And for those unseperable...


This bike shop has everything from the small, red/white Winther-bikes with three wheels and a truck bed on the back, over ladies bikes with wicker baskets, roadbikes, cool mountainbikes, bike trailers - and even a rolator of the kind, that old people use for support. "Bicycles from the cradle to the grave," Bruno usually says.
Fun to look at - but if we have to do some serious shopping, we prefer a store that is a little more specialized to our interest - which is the sportier kind of bike.

Fortunately we could tear ourselves loose in time to go home, cook delicious food, clean the house up and light candles inside and out before our company showed - and we had an evening as pleasant as we could ever had wished for!


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