Friday, March 19, 2010

Why I love Facebook...

Actually, I have a lot of reasons to love Facebook ... it keeps me in touch and provides ready and varied entertainment.

But one of the reasons I REALLY love Facebook, is the same reason that I revived this blog.

Right around the turn of the century, I chatted a lot on a site called RendezVouz.

It was the absolute ideal chatsite. Like a small village - with a core of regular chatters, that pretty much all knew each other. Most were educated people, or at least people with a certain level of reflection and thought and intellect.

The atmosphere was nice there. Warm and friendly, and intellectually challenging if that was what you wanted. I made great friends there ... and in all the years from then till now there was a handful I never forgot.

When I got on Facebook, some of them started showing up there. And I find it absolutely wonderful.

I am Facebook friends with the ones I liked the very best, and that I missed the most, when my life changed and I chatted less. I tried returning there a few times, but it was really dead - the magic, the life and spirit, was gone from there.

Our host was Rochelle ... aka Eden. She was Ms. Rendezvous, situated in Canada. A smart, pretty lady, always good for a nice chat, and we had great talks about all kinds of things .... she taught me a lot about how alike Canada and Denmark are in a lot of ways...

Then there was Cindy ... or Baf, as she went by in there. Fun and quick-witted, and wise in the ways of the world. AND a grandma at an age that I could hardly believe ;-)

Luis - or Louis - was always fun and games, and if you felt crappy one night, you could only wish for Luis to be online. He could pick you up and make you feel great. Hard working and lovely guatemalan guy (right?) that moved to Canada - and I know he has been a great friend to my glorious sister Roberta too, after she moved to Connecticut USA.....

Oh yes Roberta ... she was why I was in there! We met at RV to talk online, and I just got caught in there! Her handle was Kika, and my Kikinha she will be for ever. I knew her in person before I met her online, and we never lost touch - and I can't see why we ever should.

David - nicknamed Canes, coz he loooved some sportsteam (don't ask me if it was football or basket or...) named The Hurricanes. Southern boy, smart, sweet and with a quiet kind of humor. A guy that I was really glad to call my friend, and always a pleasure to meet online. Movie buff numero uno :-)

Sundance - or Jim, as he was called in the real world - was tremendously smart. A radio journalist, well oriented and lots of opinions, and a great heart. He lived in Texas - sadly, he died of cancer - while I was still a regular at RV. He left a hole in RV that was difficult to fill.

These were the ones I talked to the most. There were a lot of other, really nice people, but they didn't stick with me the way these guys and gals did.

Last night I had a good chat with Cindy, and it really brought back the pleasure I got from chatting late-night way back then. I never met most of them, but they were my friends - just as much as the real-life crowd I saw in the daytime. I missed them dearly when my life shifted and I didn't get to go online as much as I had.

And Facebook has brought them back to me.

Great huh?


Bobbi Boe said...

Hey I am really glad you got the blog in english running again, it does make for easier reading for me!

Which also reminds me that I have been very bad at posting at my blog, one could say I abandon it completely but alas the lack of readership was the main cause!

I will try better in the future!

Lizelotte said...

Then I will make sure to pop by your blog ... I recommend that you get the same app that I have on facebook "networked blogs" - that gives you an automatic fb post whenever you post something on your blog ... would make life easier for those of you fb friends wanting to follow your blog :-)

Bunched Undies said...

Wow...I just saw this. Thanks Lotte, what a great post. Brought back a lot of memories. Those were some fun chats.