Thursday, September 20, 2007

I've got a halo

Yeah! Tonight I went spinning at the health club. For the first time in a long time.

I wonder why I don't do it all the time? It is so nice - you feel fantastic afterwards, and you REALLY get a workout. (Well, I know ... in the spring I'll be TIRED of it .. and want to go outside)

So I was really good today! Well, at least with exercise - I am not mentioning the lovely homemade cake I got a piece of, at a goodbye-party for a workmate who is taking his coffee cup and moving it to Herning - to our rival BEC.

The day before yesterday we were also good. We went out for a nice, long walk - we'd seen the forecast and knew, that the next couple of days wouldn't be fit for walks.


We got in our car and drove a few kilometers out of town - to Hagenør Beach, that is one out of many beautiful places around here - with forest coming all the way out to Lillebælt.


Have you noticed how well you talk, when you go for a walk? Your legs work, and your thoughts fly, and we go through a lot of subjects on our walks through the beautiful landscape.


The nature is dramatic where land and water meet. Its not very clear in this photo, but there is 8 or 10 meters drop right next to the path. Sometimes Lillebælt eats at the land, and trees meet their end.

I saw a troll in the woods too - but he was friendly!


We love our walks - and due to Brunos many years of roadbiking and mountainbiking, he knows every nook and cranny and splashes of forests and gorgeous beaches for miles around. He is a nice tour guide to take along - and good company to boot.

Spinning may be nice - but nothing beats a walk like this!

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